Ninja Weapons – The Most Badass Fighting Weapons

Fighting weapons evolved over the years, and now we have firearms and nuclear weapons as the latest. However, in the past we never used firearms because there were other weapons, most particularly bladed weapons such as swords, daggers and wooden clubs. Moreover, there were some ninja weapons. The Ninja weapons belong to ninja warriors and these were incredible weapons. 

We still consider them as the most badass fighting weapons. Some of these weapons are still popular among some ninja enthusiasts. Though we have several other weapons available in the market, some traditional ninja weapons are still quite popular and in-demand. This is because some crazy ninja fans love collecting them and adding them into their arsenals. We are exploring all those exceptional ninja weapons today. So, here we go! 

Ninja – The Badass Warriors

First of all, if you are a fan of the ninja, you have to get a few of their weapons. So, who were the ninja warriors? Not only were their weapons badass, these warriors were quite badass as well. More importantly, they were very smart and tactical in their warfare approach. They took excellent tactics to battle their opponents during wars and remained undefeated. Their fighting approach was exceptional. 

Real VS Fake Ninja Weapons

If you explore the market in search of ninja weapons, you wil find a massive list of weapons. However, the problem is that all those weapons don’t really belong to the ninja. So, it is hard to find the real ones. Most of the weapons are fake and have no association with the ninja warriors. Therefore, avoid getting your hands on the fake ones. We have come up with the real ninja weapons. Below are some of the most badass ones! 

The Most Badass Ninja Fighting Weapons

  • Shuriken

Shuriken has many names and it is sometimes known as a ninja star or a throwing star. This is because it looks like a star and has a few edges on it. It is a deadly weapon by the way; those edges are sharp and can cause severe damage. It was one of the tactical weapons used by the ninja for maining and not killing. It was either thrown on the enemies or embedded into the ground to injure the feet of their enemies. It also caused distraction among their enemies and gave a tactical advantage to the ninja over them in wars. 

  • Ninja Sword

The Ninja sword was the main weapon used by the ninja warriors during wars. Of course, it was the largest weapon and had the strength. A ninja sword has a long and thick blade and is dead straight. It has no curve at all. 

  • Katana Sword

Ninja warriors also used a katana sword. It is a powerful sword and is still known to be one of the best swords. It has a long and thick blade as well but it is not that straight. Rather, it has a small curve at the bottom of the blade. 

  • Kunai

A kunai knife is a small ninja weapon that looks like a needle. However, it has a huge needle-like blade. It has a thin blade and can be used as a throwing knife. The ninja used it as a throwing weapon during wars. Kunai throwing knives are used for throwing sports these days. 

  • Nunchaku

The nunchaku is also a great weapon used by the ninja. It is basically a pair of wooden sticks connected with a rope or chain. It is an Okinawan weapon and can be quite dangerous to handle if you are not a trained user! 

  • Blowgun

A blowgun is another weapon used by the ninja. It is like a massive club but it can shoot arrows. You have to blow it from one side and it will shoot arrows from the other side. It was a weapon that they used for hunting as well as for fighting and combat purposes. 

Get Your Ninja Weapon – Be a Ninja!

So, with Halloween coming up, you have to be a ninja. Get some ninja weapons and get that badass appearance you are looking for! If you are keen to dress up as a ninja, no need to wear anything, just hold one of the above-mentioned weapons in your hands and be a ninja! 

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